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橋梁改建可以減少主要開發商的初期投資成本(包括拆除成本,土建成本等),縮短工期,體現更高的經濟價值。目前,橋梁加固設計與計算的研究還相對滯后。在某些方面,甚至無法使用公認的算法,這使設計人員難以上手。除了扎實的專業知識,橋梁加固設計人員還應該具有豐富的設計經驗和豐富的施工經驗。完整的設計施工圖更加合理,**,逼真,施工質量容易**,幾乎沒有改動和變化。 ,成本合理,加固效果好。它不僅可以**“臨時”,而且可以盡可能地對待“根”。
連續梁橋和懸臂梁橋的橫截面通常為T形,I形和箱形。 30米以上的大多數跨度是箱形的,并且使用了可變高度的不等跨度的梁。通常使用等高鋼筋混凝土連續梁。跨度小于30米的鋼筋混凝土連續梁或懸臂梁的跨度通常小于50米。這種使用大跨度鋼筋混凝土材料的橋梁價格昂貴,橋面的負彎矩區域也很容易。出現橫向裂縫。高度恒定的預應力混凝土連續梁的跨度通常在60米以下,而高度可變的預應力混凝土懸臂梁通常在100米以下,但100米以上是常見的,連續梁通常在200米以下。 ,但200多米也很常見。這種類型的橋梁通常用于穿越障礙物或城市立交橋,并且無論跨度大小如何,都容易出現各種疾病。
(9)箱形梁腹板上的水平裂縫,如下圖所示,主要是由于箱形梁橫向彎曲的空間效應和內外溫差應力所致,從而在箱梁上產生較大的豎向應力。腹板的內部或外部,箱形梁的橫向剛度不足以及變形應力。 ,是由于垂直預應力不足等原因引起的。
(5)對于墩頂頂部橋面的橫向裂縫,可以去除路面層的混凝土,并可以在平板頂部表面添加普通的抗拉鋼筋或未粘結的預應力筋。如圖1所示,將預應力鋼絞線錨固在現澆層中。或在盒子中腹板兩側的重心軸橫截面上方設置外部預應力電纜加強筋,如圖2所示。 。
T形剛性框架橋包括具有懸掛梁或鉸鏈的T形剛性框架以及連續的剛性框架。其主要特征是梁和墩固結在一起,但前者的上部結構類似于懸臂梁橋,后者的上部結構類似于連續梁橋,不同之處在于墩必須承受較大的荷載。縱向彎矩。當然,仍然存在力的差異,并且跨度也增加了很多。連續的剛性框架(如雙薄壁墩)已達到約300米。預應力T形剛性框架橋,無論是帶有吊梁的T形剛性框架,還是連續的剛性框架,通常使用高度可變的箱形梁,預應力懸臂梁和連續梁橋。他們也可能有問題。 ,可選的加固方法也相同。
(6)拱的彎曲的框架,梁和柱破裂,特別是短柱的短端被破裂和壓碎,墩,基臺或實心腹板截面的腹弓環的拱腳和拱頂穿過側壁到橋面板的裂縫,以及側壁。側壁與拱形環之間的連接以及側壁中的其他裂縫如下圖所示。主要原因是短柱和腹弓環上沒有鉸鏈,相應位置的側壁和橋面板上沒有變形縫,主弓環變形或墩臺位移and abutment pull and crack;
(7) Longitudinal cracks on the bridge deck are often accompanied by vertical cracks in the transverse connection, especially the severe cracks in the mid-span transverse connection, indicating that the horizontal integrity of the bridge is poor and the lateral load distribution is not good;
(8) When the main arch ring is assembled by segmented prefabrication, cracks may also appear at the joints;
(9) When steel tube concrete is used for arch ribs, there may be shrinkage folds on the surface of the steel tube, or there may be cavities and segregation in the tube. The thickness of the steel tube is often insufficient, the hoop effect is partially lost, and the steel tube lattice structure is unreasonably arranged, and the tube wall stiffening ribs Insufficiency and so on.
The optional reinforcement methods are:
(1) Because the main arch ring is an eccentric compression member, if the dome or arch foot transversely cracks or is partially crushed, it is best to use the method of increasing the section from the soffit surface or the back of the arch to reinforce it, such as chiseling the original concrete surface, Concrete or sprayed concrete is poured after planting and laying of reinforcements, especially for cracks at the arch foot, it is necessary to implant steel bars in the pier cap, and then increase the cross section of the arch foot, as shown in the following figure:
Secondly, it can be pasted with steel plate or fiber composite material, but it should be noted that the soffit pasting material is too long, and the problem of radial tearing after bending. In the medium and small span arch bridges, external prestressed reinforcement can also be considered, but the impact on other parts should be considered. It is also possible to reduce the self-weight of the building on the arch, such as replacing the filler, or digging out the filler and changing the side wall to a full open-web beam web hole to reduce the burden on the main arch ring, as shown in the figure below, but the main arch axis shape is somewhat different Change, pay attention to checking calculations. If the disease is caused by the displacement of the pier and abutment is still developing, the pier and abutment should be strengthened first to eliminate the cause of the disease.
(2) For the longitudinal cracks in the main arch ring or abdominal arch ring, the longitudinal cracks of the pier and platform cap and the vertical cracks of the pier and platform body, if the cracks continue to develop, the foundation and other substructures must be reinforced first. The arch ring cracks should be Depending on the width of the seam, grouting is used to block the cross section, and steel plate or fiber composite material is pasted horizontally. Or add multiple steel hoops, and try to make them into block hoops, or use steel tie rods, apply transverse prestress and other methods to reinforce, as shown in the figure below.
(3) For double-curved arch bridges, the longitudinal cracks at the top of the arch or the joint between the arch rib and the arch wave should be strengthened or added to the transverse connection, the arch rib or arch slab section or the number of arch ribs should be increased, and the weight of the building on the arch should be reduced, such as Replace the filler of the belly arch and solid web section, change the horizontal wall type web hole pier to the column type web hole pier, and change the arch type web hole to the beam-slab web hole, etc., as shown in the figure below. If the crack is caused by the uneven lateral settlement of the pier and platform, the foundation should be reinforced first.
(4) For the cracks at the upper and lower ends of the low column on the arch, it is best to change the neck hinge to allow it to rotate properly, as shown in the figure below. For the arch toe or vault crack near the pier and the solid web, if the crack is wide enough to break or there is a significant difference in height on both sides, it should be considered to be dismantled and rebuilt into a three-hinged or two-reamed web hole, otherwise Don't care about it for the time being, but the deformation joints of the side walls and bridge decks at the corresponding positions should be set up, otherwise there will be water leakage;
(5) For the longitudinal cracks of the bridge deck and the vertical cracks of the transverse connection, the transverse integrity of the structure should be strengthened, such as increasing or adding beams, combined with the refurbishment of the bridge deck, appropriately thickening the thickness of the concrete paving layer, increasing the markings, and strengthening the bridge deck For arch bridges with transverse reinforcement and fillers, the fillers will be excavated and replaced with cast-in-situ concrete for reinforcement;
(6) The cracks that are not good at the main arch ring joints can be strengthened by means of grouting, planting bar connection or repair welding connection;
(7) For the wrinkles on the surface of the concrete-filled steel tube, it is best to use a layer of reinforced concrete to increase the section, or to densify the slab between the lattice structures, or to increase the tube wall stiffener. For the voids in the pipes, drill holes should be filled with epoxy glue or cement slurry;
(8) For arch bridges with excessive deflection of the vault and lateral cracks on the bottom surface, external prestressed cables can be used to set anchors on the arch back below the elastic center of the arch ring to make the vault produce negative bending moments and inverted arches. As shown in the figure below, but the arch foot also produces a negative bending moment, the cross section of the arch foot section should be increased to deal with it. The specific position of the external cable and the tensile force should be tested repeatedly according to the changes in the internal force of the arch ring (mainly bending moment) Confirm after calculation;
(9) For rib arches, double-curved arches, etc., due to excessive deformation and cracking of the main arch ring due to the horizontal displacement and subsidence of the arch foot, and the arch axis and the pressure line are seriously deviated, the arch foot can be used when it is difficult to use other reinforcement measures. The method of pushing and restoring to adjust the arch axis improves the force of the arch ring, but this method has complex technology, high risk, and low cost, so it is rarely used.
(10) Among the above various reinforcement methods, if the building on the arch is modified or the section of the main arch ring is enlarged, attention should be paid to the balanced symmetry between the single hole and the multi-hole during the unloading and loading process to ensure the arch ring and pier The stability of the station.
8. Middle and through arch bridges
Middle and through arch bridges are ribbed arches, and the arch ribs are often reinforced concrete rectangular, I-shaped or box-shaped (the latter are more). Steel pipe or concrete-filled steel tube, or their combination is also commonly used. In terms of the force system, there are ordinary arches (that is, thrust arches) and tied arches (ie, no thrust arches). The main components of deck arch bridges are different from suspenders and suspender beams (some also have longitudinal beams). ,Tie. The boom has rigid boom and flexible boom, the latter is more used.
Tie rods are also divided into rigidity and flexibility. Mid-bearing (flying swallow) tie-bar arches usually use flexible high-strength steel wires as tie rods. Down-bearing tie-bar arches include flexible tie rod rigid arches, rigid tie rod rigid arches and rigid tie rod arches. The first two are more common in the difference of rod flexible arch. In addition to the diseases similar to deck arch bridges, there may also be the following diseases:
(1) The anchor head of the boom is loose, rusted, or the steel wire is corroded or sheared. The anchor head under the bridge deck and the anchor heads at both ends of the short boom are easy to appear;
(2) The suspender beam is used as a simply supported beam or a double cantilever simply supported beam. Reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete is commonly used. There may be vertical bending cracks at the bottom of the mid-span beam, and oblique cracks appear on the webs on both sides of the lifting point. In addition, longitudinal cracks may appear on the top surface of the beam at the lifting point, as shown in the figure below. The bridge deck with longitudinal beams between the suspenders and beams may crack near the nodes of the longitudinal and transverse beams and the nodes of the arch ribs and rigid tie rods;
(3) Looseness or corrosion of the anchor head of the tie rod, or corrosion or broken wire of the steel wire. Rigid tie rods are similar to elastically supported continuous beams because they have to withstand axial force and local bending moments, and they also have common problems with bending members.
The optional reinforcement methods are:
(1) If the anchor head of the suspender or tie rod is loose or individual slips, when conditions permit, the anchor head should be tightened to adjust the internal force or elevation of the loose tie rod or suspender. Most of the flexible suspenders use piers. The head anchor can be tightened by adding a steel spacer. If the tie rod uses a clip anchor, the heavy anchor should be supplemented. For booms or tie rods that are severely corroded, broken wires, or unconditionally tensioned and tightened, the cables should be replaced through reserved holes. If there are no reserved holes, other measures should be taken to temporarily unload the replaced booms or tie rods. Change the rope.
(2) The various cracks that appear in the boom beams, longitudinal beams or rigid tie rods can be reinforced like the reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete simple beams, continuous beams and cantilever beams in the previous sections of this chapter, such as external prestressing method , Pasting steel plate or fiber composite material method, etc.
(3) For the cracks of the longitudinal and transverse beam nodes and the arch foot nodes, the simple method is to paste the block steel plate or fiber composite material, as shown in the figure below.
9. Reinforced concrete rigid frame arch bridge
Under normal circumstances, the most common diseases of long-span rigid-framed arches are the cracks at the chords and rigid joints. As long as the rigid-framed arch bridges with diseases, most of them have such cracks, but for reinforced concrete members, as long as the crack width does not exceed The allowable value is also a normal use. Although there are many owners who are opposed to building a new rigid-frame arch bridge, through analysis of the causes of its diseases, the problems of its bearing capacity and performance should be treated correctly.
Alternative reinforcement methods for rigid frame arch bridges
The rigid frame arch bridge is mainly composed of outer chords, inner chords, solid webs, arch legs (main arch legs), diagonal braces (secondary arch legs), transverse connections, bridge decks and bridge deck pavement, as shown in the following figure. The following will discuss each component's disease phenomenon, its causes, and the reinforcement methods currently used one by one.
(1) Bridge decks: The decks of rigid frame arch bridges are commonly used in two types: less ribbed haunches or slightly curved plates. A few of them use rectangular solid or hollow slabs. The first two are optimized on the basis of rectangular slabs. The amount of steel and concrete is small and the weight is light. Especially the rib and haunches are hollowed out at the cost of complex construction. The less-reinforced rib axillary plate and micro-bend plate not only have less reinforcement, but also have a small thickness. They will definitely be no problem under short-term design loads. Under the condition of long-term overload, the actual bridge disease shows that the direction of the bottom of the ribbed plate is not correct. Regular cracks, severely exposed ribs and leaking water. If it is a micro-bending plate, the bottom surface of the stiffening rib of the micro-bending plate has a number of vertical cracks extending upward, some of which can extend to the top of the plate, causing the top of the plate to crack longitudinally.
The optional reinforcement methods for the above diseases are:
For the micro-bent slab with cracked stiffeners, a U-shaped unidirectional carbon fiber sheet with vertical cracks is used. It is more convenient to stick to the bottom of the rib than to stick the steel plate. The longitudinal cracks on the top of the micro-bent slab are filled and sealed depending on the width.
In combination with the reconstruction of the bridge deck, the thickness and strength of the cast-in-situ layer are increased, and the reinforcement in the cast-in-situ layer is strengthened to improve the stress condition of the bridge deck.
(2) Inner and outer chords and solid webs: chords and solid webs often use rectangular, I-shaped, box-shaped sections, the outer chords are bending members, and the inner chords and solid webs are bent (eccentrically). Compressed) components. Generally, the cracks produced by the arches often appear on the outer chord, followed by the inner chord and the solid web. Vertical cracks in the outer chord and oblique cracks on both sides of the large and small nodes are common, but the degree is different. Of course, if the crack width is within the allowable range, it also meets the design requirements or is not at the point where it must be reinforced. But for rigid frame arch bridges with serious diseases, there are many and wide cracks in the tension zone at the bottom of the mid-span of the outer chord and the solid web, and the inner chord has more cracks, some have penetrated in the horizontal direction, and cracked to the top in the vertical direction, especially the nodes. The diagonal cracks on both sides are wider, and some have penetrated.
The optional reinforcement methods are:
① For the reinforcement of the bending member of the outer chord of the rigid frame arch, if the chord is not a super-reinforced beam, the U-shaped fiber sheet or the steel plate can be pasted in the tension zone of the bottom surface or the section height and reinforcement can be increased. For super-reinforced beams, it is best to increase the section height and reinforcement, or to paste U-shaped fiber sheets or steel plates in the tension zone on the bottom surface, and increase the thickness of the cast-in-situ layer on the bridge deck.
② The inner chord is an eccentric compression member and can be reinforced by the same method as the outer chord.
③ The oblique cracks on both sides of the large and small nodes can be reinforced with steel plates or fiber sheets on the crack surfaces to withstand the main tensile stress. Increasing the height of the chord section can also reduce the main tensile stress.
④ U-shaped carbon fiber sheet can be pasted on the slightly arc-shaped bottom surface of the solid web in the mid-span to withstand the bending tensile stress and radial tearing force, or the method of increasing the section height and reinforcement can be adopted.
⑤ For the cracks in the chord and other parts of the solid abdomen, the cracks can be filled and sealed.
(3) Lateral connection: The lateral connection of a rigid frame arch bridge. There is one line between the chords and solid webs about 3 meters, and the nodes are strengthened. On the arch legs and diagonal braces, there are one or more channels according to the size of the span. The situation is relatively intact. However, rigid frame arches with integral damage are quite different. Most of the diaphragms of the solid web and chord sections have vertical cracks that penetrate up and down. The hollowed diaphragms are more serious than the solid diaphragms, especially There are many cracks in the transverse diaphragm of the solid web, and some of them are almost broken into only steel bars. The transverse connections on the arch legs and diagonal braces are generally intact. However, rigid frame arch bridges with gravity piers and abutments have few problems in the lateral connection, indicating that flexible piers should not be used for light arch bridges with low rigidity.
The optional reinforcement methods are:
①  中斷交通施工時,橫隔板可采用混凝土加固,即在原橫隔板的基礎上,通過植筋加厚加高橫隔板。
①  鑿除橋面鋪裝,重新澆筑鋪裝層混凝土,按新規范要求提高混凝土標號,加強橋面鋼筋網的配筋。并特別注意鋼筋網必須架起來。新澆鋪裝層的厚度,根據需要決定是否加厚。
②  進一步加強負彎矩區的縱向鋼筋配置。
(1) 上弦桿及實腹段跨中附近底面及側面橫向開裂,或下撓過大,表明桿件的**預加應力不足,或截面高度偏小,普通鋼筋配置不足;
(6) 由于桁架拱采用預制拼裝施工,接頭較多,干接頭可能因焊接質量或疲勞問題松脫,濕接頭也可能因接頭強度不足引起開裂;
(2) 主拱圈拱頂下緣出現1~2條橫向貫通的裂縫,如果裂縫兩側有明顯高差,說明墩臺有不均勻下沉,若無明顯高差,但拱頂有少量下沉,則可能墩臺向橋孔外滑動或轉動,或由于拱圈承載力已不足引起,若拱頂上拱且下緣出現橫向壓碎裂紋,則可能墩臺向橋孔內滑動或轉動;









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